Here I sit. Heart pounding but the adrenaline wearing off.
It was a beast. I saw it as I entered my room. It had 8 legs and who knows how many eyes. It lurked in the shadows and awaited my approach. I immediately took action.
I grabbed my baton. My fighting baton. (My Rock Band drumstick). and lunged at my foe. He shrank back just out of reach and farther into the deep, darkened crevices of my room. I lost a visual and began frantically rearranging the nearest furniture, carefully and skillfully however, so as not to disturb my enemy's temporary feeling of safety.
When I located my foe once more I tried again with my baton to lure him out of the shadows. Instead he sank deeper! My heart was pounding now and my hands shaking with fear. I could only visualize in my head what would happen if this monstrosity should live and remain in my corner of the house. How many sleepless nights would I endure should this go on?!
I focused all my energy in thinking clearly now, despite my inner desire to run. Then I thought, how could I have forgotten such an important detail??? I reached for the best slaying weapon I have ever used in my entire life. The orange flip flop.
The beast was behind the bookshelf now. I grasped the front with both hands and slid it away from the wall. Clutching my torch (miniature travel flashlight) I located mine enemy. The flip flop was poised in midair as I planned my attack.
I had decided on the "Scare then Smash" tactic (developed by me).
The foe skittered blindly away from the almost blow that had been delivered by the flip flop.
An unfortunate miss but I was not to be discouraged. If anything I was now bent more then ever on destroying this beastie.
'Nuf said.
Love the blog, JC! You are such a talented writer. You make me laugh! God has amazing plans for your life.
Thanks Madeline! :D