It's the same every semester in a new class with new people.
"Let's go around the room and everyone introduce yourself, tell us your major, and one other fact about yourself."
The statement that makes just about every college student roll their eyes into the back of their brain and start to scrape the barrel for an appropriate fact.
It's the conundrum of trying to not sound like everyone else. Not everyone can say they like to binge Netflix. That get's a little old after the second and third person. You can't say you like to get out in nature because the girl a couple people ahead of you just said that. You can't say you enjoy nights on the town drinking because... well, you probably could, but I can't cause I'm at a Christian college that would frown on me for this popular pastime.
*Side story: I once got a giant wine glass as a secret Santa gift and my professor just about passed out over it.*
Don't sound too much like other people, but also don't sound super different from everyone else or you might get labeled.
Geez, we can't leave these worries in the past, even if we mature. Our brain still worries about them if we're trying to make some sort of impression (but not too much of an impression).
Well, I'm generalizing, but my brain definitely overthinks it.
In my mind, an impression is all we have. It's not so much who we really are inside, it's how we are perceived and how we present ourselves to form this perception.
On the bright side, we can be transparent and have ourselves perceived how we are on the inside, but that is a vulnerable position to take. If we are judged on how we form the perception of ourselves to others then we don't have to take so much offense since we can tell ourselves, "well, they just didn't really know me."
But really, whose fault is that?
In contrast, if we are transparent and judged for who we really are, the sting is much worse. We may begin to doubt our character and qualities.
To be honest, in some cases, we probably should. But this is not true for all cases of judgement by any means.
Sometimes people judge merely because they are self-conscious of their own shortcomings. So even if we are judged when being honest and transparent about presenting ourselves we should not let that stop us from doing so.
As opposed to changing how we are perceived, perhaps consider changing how you actually are if you are so concerned about it.
Afraid people think you're a bitch? Maybe stop being a bitch. Stop word vomiting and consider what you say before you say it.
This applies to men too. Don't be a jerk. Show some chivalry once in a while and remember your "please" and "thank you"s.
I digress; Now back to the classroom. I understand the feeling you may get when being called on to answer those simple introduction questions.
Do I even do anything? My hobbies really are naps and Netflix... As a student I don't have much time (or more importantly, money) to do anything else.
My solution?
I don't have one. But don't underestimate yourself (or your creative power) ;) Not that I'm telling you to make it up or anything...
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